Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh gravity!

I'm ready for a vacation! A long, quiet, uneventful vacation. My life is a roller coaster. It always has been! However, I'm not into thrill rides.

A few weeks ago my in-laws separated. We saw it coming for a long time, so it wasn't shocking. It is, however, tough for Matt. My FIL is a passive aggressive drug addict. He was in rehab last year, and we thought he was doing better.... we were wrong. He got a prescription for anbien, and has been taking huge doses of it. A few weeks back, he took 15, and proceded to drive across town. Not without first crashing his car into his house (not as much damage as there could've been-thank god. Then he backed into MIL's car, then decided to just talk MIL's car, which came back with dents everywhere... Thank God he didn't kill anyone! It's so hard to have a functional relationship in the midst of all this insanity... I mean, Matt and I have communication on our side, but if we didn't, we'd have a mess of issues, because we both have crazy families!!

I visited my doctor, and we talked about further testing to see what our fertility issue is. I have Hashimoto's, so we are sure that's a factor. I had an appointment right after everything that happened with my FIL, and my doctor mentioned that my blood pressure was a little elevated. Lol! I told him what was happening, so what did he say? "You need to relax, you're not going to get pregnant all stressed out...". No, I didn't kick him is his fat doctor head... :-) He said he's shocked that my FIL lived through 15 anbien. Turned out though, that he went through 60 pills in less then 3 days... wow!! So much for $46,000 rehab...

Anyway, next week I'm going to see an RE. I'm scared, but excited!! Not scared because of hearing things I don't want, but because things might go quickly from here, and the idea of bringing a new baby into this mess makes me feel like puking. Matt and I have been very seriously considering a move. It would be great for us. Lord knows we need to get away fro the crazies, because we become them!

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