Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! You should have a baby!

My Easter was a mess from the start! Saturday Af arrived, So there goes that cycle! Then that night, my totally freaking insane FIL decided to take a handful of sleeping pills and go to bed. We just happened to be visiting (they only live about 15mins away) and it was awful. He's fine, other then being a prescription drug addict. So the hub and I didn't get much sleep. Then Hub had to work today (boo) so I made the hour-long trek to My aunt's house solo. I made a really awesome cake, well it was awesome until some guy on the freeway cut me off, thus making me slam on my breaks, thus sending my cake flying. So because I was the only one bringing dessert, I stopped at the market to grab another cake. I get the the check-out, only to realize that I couldn't find my ATM card. So I call the hub, who let's me know a little too late that he took my card because he couldn't find his. So I put the cake back, and continue on my way.

Lunch with my family was wonderful. I don't spend as much time with them as I'd like. So I'm down on the floor, playing with my twin cousins, when the dreaded question was asked "What are you and Matt waiting for? You need to have a baby". Of course, I just fake laughed, and said "oh we will eventually.". Then they went on and on about how we will be great parents, and really don't have much to wait for. I subutly changed the subject. Then, driving home I cried, and I cried, and cried some more. I know they have no idea what's going on, but I couldn't help but to feel sad. If they knew that were are struggling, they wouldn't say things like that, but instead I would be asked about our "trying" over and over.

While I'm sad that I haven't been able to give my family (myself included)a baby, I know that by one means, or another, we'll be parents one day! I know it in my heart of hearts!

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