Wednesday, April 8, 2009

To tell family, or not to tell family...

Even though the Hub and I have been trying for two years now, we have yet to tell anyone from our families. I told one friend, and that was because she had the same struggle. Yup, I said had, she has a beautiful son now. As much as I am SO over the top happy for her, it was a little hard for me. But, she is such a huge encouragement, and lets face it, because she has been there, she totally understands my ranting about how people that shouldn't have babies get pregnant if a guy sits too close, and here I am charting my temps, checking my cirvical fluid, and standing on my head after sex and STILL can't get pregnant...

It would probably happen if I just "relaxed" (note heavy sarcasm). I guess that's part of the reason we haven't told family. I've heard my mother-in-law talk about how infertility is basically all in a persons head, and the whole "if they just relaxed it would happen" crap. How I am SO not into unsolicited advice from people who "planned" their two babies, and got pregnant right away. Also, our families have huge mouths, and I'm not too crazy about the idea that my elderly aunt might bring up my broken uterus at Christmas dinner. If you knew anything about my family, you would know that stranger things have happened. I'm not close to my mom at all, but I think if I were I'd probably tell her.

So what do you think? To tell or not to tell?


  1. Sarah, I probably wouldn't tell, as it sounds like you would not get the support you need from family. DH and I are both 30 and we have also been TTC since January 2007. We have told our families, but both sides are very supportive and don't tell us the normal things like what you have on your poll. We have actually seen a RE now and if I am not pregnant this month, then we will be beginning IUIs.

    I totally understand about everyone else being pregnant. Right now I have two close friends that are pregnant, my two coworkers are and I had 2 friends that recently gave birth. While I am happy for them all, it is very bittersweet. It seems like everyone can get pregnant but me!

    I am currently on the 2ww.....


  2. I so wish we had a supportive family, but what can you do?

    It seems like every time I turn around, I get another email, or phone call from another friend saying she's pregnant. Somtimes i just want to know when it's going to be my turn, as selfish as that is...

    That's part of the reasn I've kept it quiet. I don't want people to not want to share their good news because they don't want me to feel bad!

  3. Sarah, when are you able to test? I will be testing on the 22nd. I hate this part...waiting. Good luck!

  4. Well I tested yesterday, and then Af came today (what a waste of an hpt!!) so that's that!

    Baby dust to you!! Here's to a BFP!!!!
